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Awake Daily Journal©

Front cover of AWAKE Daily EI JournalFrom the author, Dar­win Nel­son, Ph.D.
I have done hun­dreds of sem­i­nars for thou­sands of peo­ple over the last forty-one years, and the most com­mon ques­tion asked of me was, “What is emo­tional intel­li­gence, and how do you develop or learn it?”  I had answered the ques­tion each time it was asked, and really never heard what I was really being asked; how do you develop emo­tional intelligence?

The AWAKE Jour­nal is my hon­est answer.  This is what I do to develop emo­tional intel­li­gence every day.  The reflec­tive peri­ods became great sources of cre­ativ­ity and energy for me.   I use my reflec­tive peri­ods for explor­ing my expe­ri­ence or what Jung would have called my col­lec­tive uncon­scious, the store­house of mem­o­ries that is unique to me.

I have found story telling, reflec­tive jour­nal­ing, and holis­tic think­ing to be valu­able sources of learn­ing for me. My pro­fes­sional ori­en­ta­tion since encoun­ter­ing Abe Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Sid­ney Jourard as a young doc­toral stu­dent has always been pos­i­tive psy­chol­ogy. My think­ing is East­ern rather than West­ern and I thought Leib­nitz and Spin­oza were more right than Locke, Berkley, Hume, Kant, Descartes, and

My first grad­u­ate research paper in 1965 refuted the tra­di­tion of British Empiri­cism and their cel­e­bra­tion of log­i­cal pos­i­tivism and quan­ti­ta­tive inquiry. I was a sys­temic phe­nom­e­nol­o­gist and did not know what that was until a year or so ago.  The lit­tle AWAKE book and jour­nal is sim­ply a shar­ing of what I have come to believe as my truth.  I believe that through a dis­ci­plined approach and daily use, it can be yours too.  AWAKE is a great way to develop EI in oneself.

Pric­ing: $20.00 per copy.  Con­tact us.