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Parallel Forms for Education

ESAP-A® & ESAP-B® Front CoversThe shorter par­al­lel instru­ments mea­sure all 13 ESAP® scales using only 87 items (as opposed to 213 items in the full ver­sion).  The back­ground of the pro­file chart is adjusted for fewer items and reflects norm­ing ranges based on a large, diverse sam­ple of col­lege and uni­ver­sity students.


Pro­vides a per­sonal pro­file of 10 EI skills for iden­ti­fy­ing skills to develop, strengthen, enhance; 3 prob­lem indi­ca­tors iden­tify low, nor­mal, and high lev­els; and includes def­i­n­i­tions for learn­ing about EI skills.  Com­bine with other resources (AWAKE Daily EI Jour­nal©, Emo­tional Intel­li­gence: Achiev­ing Aca­d­e­mic and Career Excel­lence in Work and Life©, Extended Pro­file Report©, etc.) to increase depth and breadth of learn­ing experiences.

The 4 Dimen­sions and 13 Skills Mea­sured by ESAP®

I.  Inter­per­sonal Dimension

  • Assertive Com­mu­ni­ca­tion
  • Anx­i­ety Man­age­ment and Control *
  • Anger Man­age­ment and Control *

II. Self-Management Dimension

  • Time Man­age­ment (Self Man­age­ment Related to Time)
  • Drive Strength (Action Goal Set­ting and Goal Achievment)
  • Com­mit­ment Ethic (Per­sonal Responsibility)
  • Pos­i­tive Change Orientation*

III.  Lead­er­ship Dimension

  • Com­fort (Social Awareness)
  • Empa­thy
  • Deci­sion Making
  • Pos­i­tive Influ­ence (Per­sonal Leadership)

IV. Intrap­er­sonal Dimension

  • Stress Man­age­ment (Emo­tional Self-Control)
  • Self-Esteem (Accu­rate Self-knowledge and Value)

* Assessed as prob­lem­atic areas.

Psy­cho­me­t­ric Properties

  • Skills pos­i­tively related with con­struc­tive thinking.
  • Strengths in key areas pos­i­tively related to aca­d­e­mic success.
  • Inter­nal reli­a­bil­ity:  a = 0.91.
  • 3-Point Lik­ert response format.
  • Read­ing Level Items: Grade 7
  • Read­ing Level Instruc­tions: Grade 7
  • Sec­tion Intro­duc­tions: Grade 11–12
  • ESAP Inter­ven­tion and Inter­pre­ta­tion Guide


Explore EI skills for Col­lege Suc­cess,  devel­op­men­tal edu­ca­tion courses,  foun­da­tion courses,  advis­ing,  men­tor­ing for per­sonal and pro­fes­sional growth, coun­sel­ing and skill devel­op­ment, stu­dent sup­port pro­grams,  teacher prepa­ra­tion pro­grams, grad­u­ate and doc­toral courses in all fields.  Cre­ate pos­i­tive, learner-centered envi­ron­ment in any program.

Best Prac­tice Examples

Include the ESAP-A/B® pre– and post-test deliv­ery modal­ity by part­ner­ing with EI Learn­ing Sys­tems to put the assess­ments on your col­lege or university’s cam­pus com­puter sys­tem for col­lege suc­cess and other stu­dents.  Part­ner­ing in this way allows the col­lege to eas­ily pull ESAP® data for research, and pro­vides nearly auto­matic access to related demo­graphic data and rel­e­vant suc­cess cri­te­ria research, such as grades.   Galve­ston Col­lege and  McLen­nan Com­mu­nity Col­lege uses the ESAP® dimen­sions to help define their QEP.   South Texas Col­lege and oth­ers used and/or still use the ESAP® for build­ing a cul­ture of stu­dent suc­cess in courses, devel­op­men­tal edu­ca­tion, and fac­ulty, staff, and lead­er­ship training.


The ESAP-A® and ESAP-B® sell for $5.00 each (edu­ca­tion pro­fes­sion­als and edu­ca­tion insti­tu­tion pric­ing).  When pur­chased for deliv­ery in pre– and post-test pairs, the pair of instru­ments are offered for $7.50 (sav­ings of $2.50 over indi­vid­ual pur­chas­ing). Cur­rently avail­able in paper and pen­cil only, so print­ing, han­dling, ship­ping, and state sales taxes may apply.

For more infor­ma­tion or to pur­chase the ESAP-A/B, please con­tact us.
