Home » Bodacious The Wonder Truck©

Bodacious The Wonder Truck©

Front cover of BodaciousA children’s book on Emo­tional Intel­li­gence. Boda­cious is the name of a spe­cial truck who loves fun, adven­ture, and doing impor­tant work.  As his name indi­cates, he is brave, fear­less, and will­ing to take risks to accom­plish impor­tant goals.  Unlike most trucks, but very much like peo­ple, Boda­cious has feel­ings.  Because of his nature and expe­ri­ences in life, Boda­cious ini­tially had very strong feel­ings, espe­cially anger.  But then Boda­cious learned about feel­ings from the peo­ple who cared about him, and he learned to be an emo­tion­ally intel­li­gent truck!  In fact, he learned all the feel­ings like anger, fear, sad­ness, and joy.  Boda­cious The Won­der Truck is a true story, and the book is about how this old truck became spe­cial and a won­der to the peo­ple who knew him.  Boda­cious is a 1952 Dodge Power Wagon that helps peo­ple and leads an adven­tur­ous life.  Most of all, he loves adven­ture and doing mean­ing­ful work.  After almost 50 years of adven­ture, Boda­cious has asked me to share his story with young peo­ple.  I hope you will enjoy learn­ing about Boda­cious – the truck with feelings.

Pric­ing: $22.50.  Click here or more information.
