The two day Well-Being semÂiÂnar is designed as a perÂsonal renewal and trainÂing expeÂriÂence for proÂfesÂsionÂals who want to begin using the Life Style Type IndiÂcaÂtor (LSTI), EmoÂtional Skills AssessÂment Process (ESAP) and the RelaÂtionÂship Skills Map (RSM) in coachÂing, counÂselÂing, trainÂing, and eduÂcaÂtion. The Well-Being semÂiÂnar is open to proÂfesÂsional who have comÂpleted cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion semÂiÂnars offered by EmoÂtional IntelÂliÂgence LearnÂing SysÂtems, Inc. and to expeÂriÂenced proÂfesÂsionÂals who want to begin using our work.
The focus of the two day trainÂing is on the perÂsonal and proÂfesÂsional appliÂcaÂtions of these posÂiÂtive assessÂment and emoÂtional learnÂing sysÂtems. The semÂiÂnar is expeÂriÂenced based and parÂticÂiÂpants learn and apply the perÂsonal and proÂfesÂsional appliÂcaÂtions for the LSTI, ESAP and RSM.
LearnÂing Objectives
- To proÂvide parÂticÂiÂpants with the knowlÂedge and skills to impleÂment a posÂiÂtive, inteÂgrated and holisÂtic theÂory of human behavÂior in their daily lives and work.
- To proÂvide a pracÂtiÂcal and applied model for impleÂmentÂing the Life Style Type IndiÂcaÂtor (LSTI), the EmoÂtional Skills AssessÂment Process (ESAP) and the RelaÂtionÂship Skills Map (RSM) in proÂfesÂsional coachÂing, counÂselÂing, conÂsultÂing, and teaching.
- To proÂvide a sysÂtemÂatic impleÂmenÂtaÂtion plan for develÂopÂing a wellÂness lifestyle focused on mindÂfulÂness, emoÂtional intelÂliÂgence, and healthy relaÂtionÂship skills.
- To proÂvide parÂticÂiÂpants the opporÂtuÂnity to affilÂiÂate with EILS as a proÂfesÂsional assoÂciate and involve themÂselves in conÂtinÂuÂing perÂsonal and proÂfesÂsional develÂopÂment through parÂticÂiÂpaÂtion in an annual interÂnaÂtional conÂferÂence and memÂberÂship in a global netÂwork of proÂfesÂsional coaches, conÂsulÂtants, counÂselors and teachÂers (EITRI).
- To demonÂstrate how the LSTI holisÂtic theÂory of human behavÂior and our transÂforÂmaÂtive theÂory of EmoÂtional IntelÂliÂgence (EI) proÂvides a pracÂtiÂcal and applied model for develÂopÂing a wellÂness lifestyle.
To proÂvide a daily process of reflecÂtive thinkÂing, creÂative probÂlem solvÂing and action goal setÂting that parÂticÂiÂpants can apply to make posÂiÂtive perÂsonal changes that improve their perÂsonal well-being (AWAKE JourÂnal).
Cost: $500 or $750 dependÂing on parÂticÂiÂpaÂtion option. The first day is open to the genÂeral pubÂlic ($500), as well as medÂical and menÂtal health proÂfesÂsionÂals. The secÂond day (addiÂtional $250) is offered for medÂical and menÂtal health proÂfesÂsionÂals who want to explore the value of EmoÂtional IntelÂliÂgence (EI) in proÂfesÂsional pracÂtice.  Please add expenses for semÂiÂnars exported to your locaÂtion. ConÂtact us for more information.