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Teaching and Learning Excellence: Engaging Self and Others With Emotional Intelligence


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Most of us can name a teacher, instruc­tor, or pro­fes­sor who had a pro­found pos­i­tive impact on our learn­ing and life. The authors of this book believe more teach­ers should have that kind of impact on their stu­dents. We also believe all stu­dents should develop the kinds of skills needed to teach them­selves in ways that bring per­sonal mean­ing, con­gru­ence, and pos­i­tive out­comes for them­selves and soci­ety. Intel­li­gent self-direction is a key suc­cess skill for suc­cess in the 21st cen­tury and a focus of this book. Teach­ing and Learn­ing Excel­lence uses a sys­tem­atic process, the Emo­tional Learn­ing Sys­tem (ELS), to engage the cognitive-emotional brain cen­ters to explore, iden­tify, under­stand, learn, and then apply trans­for­ma­tive emo­tional intel­li­gence (EI) skills for achieve­ment and suc­cess. The approach taught in this book was devel­oped orig­i­nally by psy­chol­o­gists Dar­win Nel­son and Gary Low in the 1970s, and it has been researched and refined by them and their good stu­dents ever since. With over 60 doc­toral dis­ser­ta­tions and many research arti­cles, it con­tin­ues to evolve even today!  To review a com­pre­hen­sive list­ing of research and pub­li­ca­tions based on trans­for­ma­tive emo­tional intel­li­gence, please visit the Bib­li­og­ra­phy tab on this web­site. http://www.eilearningsys.com. 

Table of Contents

Fore­word Excerpt

… as a for­mer teacher and teacher edu­ca­tor of spe­cial needs stu­dents, I was always look­ing for an edu­ca­tional frame­work that works, is pos­i­tive, and pro­duces good results.  After review­ing this book it is evi­dent that “Teach­ing and Learn­ing Excel­lence” is applic­a­ble to all seg­ments of today’s stu­dents, includ­ing those with chal­lenges.  The Learned Abil­ity Model described in Chap­ter 3 along with Chap­ter 5 on the EI-Centric Cur­ric­ula hold excit­ing promise for trans­form­ing indi­vid­u­als of any age and ability.

… as stu­dents and adults grow and develop, their jour­ney needs a road map by which to travel less they get lost or sadly yet-never arrive to their des­ti­na­tion.  EI sys­tems for teach­ing and learn­ing can pro­vide both pos­i­tive, mean­ing­ful direc­tions in addi­tion to suc­cess­ful out­comes – a goal to which we all aspire.  Amer­i­can and Inter­na­tional edu­ca­tion today is focused on high edu­ca­tional attain­ment, rapid results, sus­tained account­abil­ity, and both short and long-term suc­cess, which is why this book is so timely.  “Teach­ing and Learn­ing Excel­lence” and the approaches it describes pro­vides an impor­tant guide or map we can use to help many stu­dents and adults stuck in the wilder­ness or under­achiev­ing into today’s schools and society.

I am of the belief that this is their best work yet.  Over the years I have been a par­tic­i­pant in their research, attended sev­eral of their annual con­fer­ences, and even pre­sented a paper at one of the con­fer­ences, so I have been very close to their pro­fes­sional ser­vices.  I also believe that the pro­ce­dures and con­cepts involved in this cur­rent book holds enor­mous poten­tial for improv­ing lives and achiev­ing suc­cess⎯ one indi­vid­ual at a time.

Fred­die W. Lit­ton, Dean
School of Edu­ca­tion and Human Devel­op­ment
Uni­ver­sity of Houston-Victoria

Pref­ace Excerpts

Human beings have two unique abil­i­ties or capac­i­ties that dis­tin­guish them from all other life forms: (a) the abil­ity to think reflec­tively and (b) the aware­ness that we are imper­fect.  Teach­ing and learn­ing excel­lence involves devel­op­ing and apply­ing con­struc­tive think­ing (emo­tional intel­li­gence) skills and per­fect­ing our­selves by achiev­ing a mean­ing­ful per­sonal goal each day.  The goal of teach­ing and learn­ing excel­lence is to become your best self and to do your best (achieve excel­lence) in what you do and how you are in rela­tion­ships with others. 

We offer this book as a a per­sonal change process that involves your beliefs, thoughts, emo­tions, and behav­iors.  Your brain and your behav­ior are com­plex, and pos­i­tive change occurs one step at a time.  We all have the poten­tial within us to develop excel­lence and well being.  Teach­ing and learn­ing excel­lence is the process of chang­ing and improv­ing your­self in ways that are valu­able and mean­ing­ful to you. 

Our hope is that you will expe­ri­ence this book as an engag­ing con­ver­sa­tion that is help­ful to you as a per­son and as a teacher.  We have made our best attempt to keep the con­ver­sa­tion direct, brief and clear.  We accept respon­si­bil­ity for our beliefs, thoughts, emo­tions and behav­iors and respect your right to dif­fer.    We ask only that you exper­i­ment with the process of teach­ing and learn­ing excel­lence, and deter­mine its value and ben­e­fit for you as you work with others. 

Part I: Teach­ing Excel­lence And Person-Centered Learning

Chap­ter 1: Explor­ing Excel­lence in Teach­ing And Learning

Cre­at­ing Healthy Learn­ing Envi­ron­ments
Pos­i­tive Con­tri­bu­tions of Your Emo­tional Mind
Teach­ing Excel­lence Assess­ment

Chap­ter 2: Iden­ti­fy­ing The Char­ac­ter­is­tics And Skills of Teach­ing Excellence

Teach­ing And Learn­ing Excel­lence With Trans­for­ma­tive EI
EI Hall­marks of Teach­ing and Learn­ing Excel­lence
Teach­ing Excel­lence ⎯ Emerg­ing Research Indi­ca­tors
Research and Teach­ing Effec­tive­ness
A Con­tin­uum of Teach­ing Excel­lence
Trans­for­ma­tive EI-Centric Teach­ing and Learn­ing Mod­els

Part II: Edu­ca­tion And Learn­ing Through The Lens of 
Emo­tional Intelligence

Chap­ter 3: The Learned Abil­ity Model of Emo­tional Intelligence

Our EI Learn­ing Model: A Focus On Pos­i­tive Change
Trans­for­ma­tive EI The­ory and Edu­ca­tion
Beliefs About Learn­ers And Learn­ing
Key Con­cepts and Unique Ele­ments of Trans­for­ma­tive EI
Emo­tional Learn­ing Sys­tem ⎯ ELS
Pos­i­tive Per­sonal Change
Applied Research to Improve Prac­tice
Life­long Learn­ing Model
Key Learn­ing Processes of Trans­for­ma­tive EI
Learn­ing Ideas to Inte­grate and Build Upon
Teach­ing and Learn­ing Assump­tions
Prob­lem­atic Behav­iors and Indi­ca­tors to Iden­tify and Cor­rect
Learn­ing Goals and Out­comes to Con­sider for Any Course
EI Teaching/Learning Meth­ods, Strate­gies, Tech­niques
Why Emo­tional Intel­li­gence is so Impor­tant
Account­abil­ity: A New Model Is Needed
Teach­ing and Learn­ing Excel­lence: A Per­sonal View
Person-centered and Rela­tion­ship Focused Teach­ing

Chap­ter 4: Foun­da­tions And Cor­ner­stones of Trans­for­ma­tive
 Emo­tional Intelligence

Foun­da­tions ⎯ Learn­ing Model of Emo­tional Intel­li­gence
Emo­tional Intel­li­gence
Cor­ner­stones of an Education⎯Learning Model of EI
Mod­el­ing Emo­tional Intel­li­gence
Think­ing Pat­terns of Emo­tion­ally Intel­li­gent Teach­ers
Con­nect­ing Key Emo­tional Skills to Self Actu­al­iza­tion
Teach­ing Hope­ful Think­ing
Teach­ing Opti­mistic Think­ing
Teach­ing Suc­cess­ful Intel­li­gence
Emo­tional Intel­li­gence and Trans­for­ma­tive Learn­ing

Chap­ter 5: Trans­for­ma­tive EI Cur­ric­ula for the 21st Century

Build­ing a Cul­ture For Learner Suc­cess
Inter­per­sonal Learn­ing Dimen­sion
Lead­er­ship Learn­ing Dimen­sion
Self Man­age­ment Learn­ing Dimen­sion
Intrap­er­sonal Learn­ing Dimen­sion
EI-Centric Cur­ric­ula: The ESAP Learn­ing Sys­tem
Learn­ing And Career Readi­ness
Col­lege Suc­cess, Adapt­abil­ity Learn­ing, Achieve­ment, Reten­tion
Teach­ing and Learn­ing Effec­tive­ness
Lead­er­ship and Self Devel­op­ment: Learn­ing to Lead
Per­sonal Respon­si­bil­ity and Char­ac­ter Devel­op­ment
The Per­sonal Excel­lence Learn­ing Sys­tem
Lead­er­ship and Per­sonal Devel­op­ment
Per­sonal Devel­op­ment to Orga­ni­za­tional Devel­op­ment
Per­sonal and Orga­ni­za­tional Excel­lence — Con­clud­ing Sum­mary
Tenets of Trans­for­ma­tive EI Lead­er­ship — Learn­ing to Lead

Part III: Devel­op­ing Emo­tion­ally Intel­li­gent Teach­ers
 And Learners

Chap­ter 6: Learn­ing And Devel­op­ing Emo­tional Intel­li­gence ⎯
The ESAP Model

Foun­da­tions For The ELS Learn­ing Model
A Prac­ti­cal Exam­ple
A Frame­work for Learn­ing Trans­for­ma­tive Emo­tional Intel­li­gence
13 EI Skills — Lessons — Dis­cus­sions — Strate­gies — Key Behav­iors
EI Skill Set 1 — Asser­tion
EI Skill Set 2 — Social Aware­ness and Com­fort
EI Skill Set 3 — Empa­thy
EI Skill Set 4 — Con­struc­tive Deci­sion Mak­ing
EI Skill Set 5 — Pos­i­tive Influ­ence and Per­sonal Lead­er­ship
EI Skill Set 6 — Drive Strength and Achieve­ment Drive
EI Skill Set 7 — Time Man­age­ment
EI Skill Set 8 — Com­mit­ment Ethic and Per­sonal Respon­si­bil­ity
EI Skill Set 9 — Self Esteem
EI Skill Set 10 — Stress Man­age­ment
EI Skill Set 11 — Anger Con­trol and Man­age­ment
EI Skill Set 12 — Anx­i­ety Man­age­ment
EI Skill Set 13 — Pos­i­tive Per­sonal Change

Chap­ter 7: Devel­op­ing Per­sonal And Teach­ing Excel­lence With
 The PEM Learn­ing System

A Frame­work for Learn­ing and Devel­op­ing Per­sonal Excel­lence
Per­sonal Excel­lence — Sys­tems, Prin­ci­ples, Skills
PEM Learn­ing Mod­ule 1: Belief Sys­tem and Prin­ci­ple of Pur­pose
PEM Learn­ing Mod­ule 2: Guid­ance Sys­tem and Prin­ci­ple of Vision
PEM Learn­ing Mod­ule 3: Power Sys­tem and Prin­ci­ple of Com­mit­ment
PEM Learn­ing Mod­ule 4: Sup­port Sys­tem and Prin­ci­ple of Rela­tion­ships
PEM Learn­ing Mod­ule 5: Bal­ance Sys­tem and Prin­ci­ple of Change
A Quick Sum­mary of Learn­ing Per­sonal Excel­lence

Chap­ter 8: Devel­op­ing Healthy, Con­struc­tive Rela­tion­ships With 
Self And Others

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Cli­mate
Intrap­er­sonal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion
Intrap­er­sonal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Model: The EI Chal­lenged Per­spec­tive
Sce­nario 1: Neg­a­tiv­ity to Neg­a­tiv­ity, Destruc­tion to Destruc­tion
Intrap­er­sonal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Model: The EI-Centered Per­spec­tive
Sce­nario 2: Neg­a­tiv­ity to Pos­i­tiv­ity, Destruc­tion to Con­struc­tion

Part IV: Apply­ing and Mod­el­ing Trans­for­ma­tive 
Emo­tional Intelligence

Chap­ter 9: Goal Achieve­ment, Resiliency, Renewal⎯

The AWAKE Process

The AWAKE Method — Goal Achieve­ment Daily Process
AWAKE — Process, Struc­ture, Guid­ing Ques­tions, Key Points
AWAKE EI Daily Morn­ing Guide – The Process
AWAKE Morn­ing Guide Exer­cise – Dar­win Nelson’s Per­sonal Exam­ple
AWAKE EI Daily Night Guide – The Process
AWAKE EI Daily Night Guide – Dar­win Nelson’s Per­sonal Exam­ple
AWAKE EI Jour­nal — Log of Daily Goal Achieve­ment

Chap­ter 10: Achiev­ing Teach­ing And Learn­ing Excellence

Path­ways to Teach­ing and Learn­ing Excel­lence
Trans­for­ma­tive EI as a Path to Per­sonal Excel­lence
Emo­tional Intel­li­gence Train­ing and Research Insti­tute (EITRI)
India Forum for EI Learn­ing
A Con­clud­ing Note


Appen­dix A: Teach­ing Excel­lence Assessment


Pric­ing: $55.00.  Please con­tact us for more information.