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Past Events

Pro­fes­sional Coach­ing III — Strate­gies and Skills for Pro­fes­sional Coaching

  • Online grad­u­ate course through the Uni­ver­sity of Houston-Victoria.
  • The third of a grad­u­ate three course sequence to develop pro­fes­sional coaches based on our trans­for­ma­tive model of emo­tional intel­li­gence (AHED 6362).
  • Includes three semes­ter hours grad­u­ate credit in Adult Education.
  • Offered Sum­mer 2014

KEYSTONE 2014: Sup­port­ing K-16 Education

Expe­ri­enc­ing Trans­for­ma­tive Emo­tional Intel­li­gence for Edu­ca­tors
Richard Ham­mett, Ed.D.
Eleazar Cano, LPC
Wil­son Room, 1:00–12:15 p.m.
Fri­day March 28, 2014

NADE 2014 — Dal­las, Texas
Iden­ti­fy­ing Trans­for­ma­tive Emo­tional Intel­li­gence Oppor­tu­ni­ties within the Core Curriculum

A poster pre­sen­ta­tion with McLen­nan Com­mu­nity Col­lege
Fred Hills, Ph.D., Dean of Arts and Sci­ence
Andrew Cano, LEAP Coor­di­na­tor
Richard Ham­mett, Ed.D.
Poster Ses­sion A, 11:00–11:50 a.m.
Thurs­day March 6, 2014

Explor­ing Excel­lence with the Ser­vice Excel­lence Skills Assess­ment Process® (SESAP®)

A half day (morn­ing) work­shop with Laredo Com­mu­nity Col­lege, Laredo, Texas
Richard Ham­mett, Ed.D.
Feb­ru­ary 28, 2014

Pro­fes­sional Coach­ing II — The Coach­ing Rela­tion­ship and Pos­i­tive Change

  • Online grad­u­ate course through the Uni­ver­sity of Houston-Victoria.
  • The sec­ond of a grad­u­ate three course sequence to develop pro­fes­sional coaches based on our trans­for­ma­tive model of emo­tional intel­li­gence (AHED 6361).
  • Includes three semes­ter hours grad­u­ate credit in Adult Education.
  • Spring Semes­ter 2014.

Four­teenth Annual Insti­tute for Emo­tional Intelligence

  • April 3–4, pre-conference EI cer­ti­fi­ca­tion work­shop at the Cor­pus Christi, Texas Emer­ald Beach Hotel.
  • April 5, pre-conference sem­i­nar oppor­tu­nity in Pro­fes­sional Coaching.
  • April5, pre-conference sem­i­nar on Per­form­ing Under Pressure.
  • April 6–7 on the beach of down­town Cor­pus Christi, Texas.
  • Source: 2017 Con­fer­ence Web­site.

Emo­tional Intel­li­gence Lead­er­ship Train­ing for HPCL Man­agers and Leaders

Sep­tem­ber 1–22, 2012:  Mum­bai, India

A very spe­cial two-day per­sonal renewal and pos­i­tive train­ing expe­ri­ence for pro­fes­sion­als inter­ested in improv­ing per­sonal health and well being in today’s high stress and rapidly chang­ing work envi­ron­ments.  Focus is on prac­ti­cal and daily appli­ca­tion of trans­for­ma­tive emo­tional intel­li­gence with strate­gies to enhance healthy liv­ing, constructive-reflective think­ing, pro­duc­tive rela­tion­ships, and mean­ing­ful work.

Learn and renew with a unique, research-derived model of Well Being for per­sonal and pro­fes­sional prac­tice appli­ca­tions.  Engag­ing and dynamic, the Emo­tional Learn­ing Sys­tem (ELS) pro­vides the struc­ture and process for cog­ni­tive, behav­ioral, expe­ri­en­tial path­ways to pos­i­tive and suc­cess­ful change and devel­op­ment.  After the work­shop, par­tic­i­pants will have a 5-Step ELS process, four new assess­ments for enhanced self aware­ness, and learn­ing tools to use per­son­ally and in your pro­fes­sional responsibilities.

Pre­sen­ters: Dar­win Nel­son, Richard Ham­mett, & Ashis Sen

Pro­fes­sional Coach­ing I: The­ory and Practice

  • Online Course through the Uni­ver­sity of Houston-Victoria
  • The first of a grad­u­ate three course sequence to develop pro­fes­sional coaches based on our trans­for­ma­tive model of emo­tional intel­li­gence (AHED 6360).
  • Includes three semes­ter hours grad­u­ate credit in Adult Edu­ca­tion and fin­ish­ing the three course sequence earns a cer­tifi­cate of completion.
  • Course begins August 201e for the fall semester.

Two Day EI Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Workshop

  • August 9–10, 2013
  • DeSales Uni­ver­sity, Allen­town, PA
  • A two-day Emo­tional Intel­li­gence (EI)  Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Work­shop to intro­duce pro­fes­sion­als to a trans­for­ma­tive and skills-based the­ory of EI and cer­tify them to use our pos­i­tive assess­ment instru­ments and emo­tional learn­ing sys­tems appro­pri­ate to their work set­tings. The learn­ing expe­ri­ence of the work­shop are appro­pri­ate for busi­ness lead­ers, edu­ca­tors, psy­chol­o­gists, coun­selors, social work­ers, teach­ers, con­sul­tants, and train­ers involved in enhanc­ing human poten­tial and devel­op­ing human capital.

Amer­i­can Psy­chother­apy Asso­ci­a­tion Exec­u­tive Summit

Octo­ber 17–19, 2012: Las Vegas, NV
The annual National Con­fer­ence has been renamed the Exec­u­tive Sum­mit to reflect the true mis­sion of the event, to bring together top pro­fes­sional lead­ers. Through­out our mem­ber­ship bases we have many key lead­ers who are com­mit­ted to address­ing the prob­lems and con­cerns fac­ing their field. By meet­ing col­lec­tively, we are in a greater posi­tion to facil­i­tate and influ­ence pos­i­tive change.
Source: Amer­i­can Psy­chother­apy Asso­ci­a­tion Web­site.

Well-Being Sem­i­nar for Exec­u­tives & Professionals

Octo­ber 21, 2012: Rio Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Sem­i­nar for per­sonal and work envi­ron­ment renewal.  Focus is on prac­ti­cal and daily appli­ca­tion of trans­for­ma­tive emo­tional intel­li­gence with strate­gies to enhance phys­i­cal well­ness, con­struc­tive and reflec­tive think­ing, and healthy rela­tion­ships.
Source: Web­site.

Pre­sen­ters: Dar­win Nel­son, Gary Low, & Richard Hammett

2012 Men­tor­ship Conference:

Facil­i­tat­ing Devel­op­ing Rela­tion­ships for Success

Octo­ber 24–26, 2012: Uni­ver­sity of New Mex­ico, Albu­querque, NM

The 2012 Men­tor­ing Con­fer­ence aims to pro­vide an envi­ron­ment where coaches and men­tors alike can share their expe­ri­ences, the­o­ries and obser­va­tions learned through direct expe­ri­ence or the­o­ret­i­cal analy­sis of devel­op­men­tal relationships.

Source: Web­site.

Well-Being Sem­i­nar for Exec­u­tives & Professionals

Octo­ber 27, 2012: Uni­ver­sity of New Mex­ico, Albu­querque, NM (ten­ta­tive)
Sem­i­nar for per­sonal and work envi­ron­ment renewal.  Focus is on prac­ti­cal and daily appli­ca­tion of trans­for­ma­tive emo­tional intel­li­gence with strate­gies to enhance phys­i­cal well­ness, con­struc­tive and reflec­tive think­ing, and healthy rela­tion­ships.
Source: Website.

Ser­vice Excel­lence Work­shop for Adult Educators

Decem­ber 14, 2012: Laredo, Texas

Half-day sem­i­nar and work­shop for teach­ing and devel­op­ing ser­vice excel­lence in adult edu­ca­tion. The focus of this work­shop is pro­vided by the EI-centric Ser­vice Excel­lence Skills Assess­ment Process® (SESAP®).

Pre­sented by Rick Ham­mett, Ed.D.

10th Annual Insti­tute for Emo­tional Intelligence

Feb­ru­ary 25 — March 1, 2013: El Trop­i­cano River­walk Hotel, San Anto­nio, TX
We are proud to announce the return of the annual EI con­fer­ence, with pre– and post-conference  oppor­tu­ni­ties, to the beau­ti­ful EL Trop­i­cano River­walk Hotel and San Anto­nio, Texas.   The 10th Annual Insti­tute for Emo­tional Intel­li­gence will con­vene over the dates Feb­ru­ary 25 — March 2, 2013.  From the first pre-conference sem­i­nar on EI path­ways for improved well­ness and health, to two post-conference work­shops for men­tal health clin­i­cians and lead­ers (EI Lead­er­ship The­ory and Prac­tice), we are excited about and look­ing for­ward to the week and learn­ing about EI-centric Path­ways To Pos­i­tive Change!  We hope you will par­tic­i­pate as much as you can in the 10th Annual Insti­tute.
Source: 2013 Annual EI Insti­tute Web­site.

EI Lead­er­ship Retreat for Mid­dle Managers

August 3, 2012: South Texas Col­lege, McAllen, Texas

One-day Lead­er­ship retreat for Infor­ma­tion Ser­vice Providers of South Texas Col­lege.  The lead­er­ship retreat and work­shop will focus on an EI Lead­er­ship The­ory with an empha­sis on self-directed coach­ing and men­tor­ing for lead­er­ship devel­op­ment and suc­ces­sion planning.

Pre­sented by Dar­win Nel­son, Ph.D., Gary Low, Ph.D., and Rick Ham­mett, Ed.D.

ECISD Teacher Uni­ver­sity Back-To-School Conference

August, 2012: Per­mian High School (a.m.) & Bon­ham Junior High School (p.m.), Odessa, TX
Teach­ing & Lead­er­ship Excel­lence: Emo­tional Intel­li­gence for Teach­ers and Stu­dents in Sec­ondary Edu­ca­tion.
Pre­sen­ta­tions by Rick Ham­mett, Ed.d.

Well-Being Sem­i­nar for Exec­u­tives & Professionals

July 21, 2012: Hol­i­day Inn Emer­ald Beach, Cor­pus Christi, TX
Sem­i­nar for per­sonal and work envi­ron­ment renewal.  Focus is on prac­ti­cal and daily appli­ca­tion of trans­for­ma­tive emo­tional intel­li­gence with strate­gies to enhance phys­i­cal well­ness, con­struc­tive and reflec­tive think­ing, and healthy rela­tion­ships.
Pre­sented by Dar­win Nel­son, Ph.D., Gary Low, Ph.D., and Rick Ham­mett, Ed.D.
Source: Sem­i­nar Web­site.

9th EI Insti­tute Pre-Conference Seminar

Feb­ru­ary 20, 2012 San Anto­nio, TX
EI, Per­son­al­ity, and the Life Style Type Indi­cato
Sin­gle day sem­i­nar on the influ­ence of emo­tional intel­li­gence on per­son­al­ity and well-being. Pre­sen­ters: Dar­win Nel­son & Gary Low

9th EI Insti­tute Pre-Conference Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Workshop

Feb­ru­ary 21–22, 2012 San Anto­nio, TX
Two-Day cer­ti­fi­ca­tion work­shop teach­ing pos­i­tive assess­ment processes and the emo­tional learn­ing sys­tem for edu­ca­tion, busi­ness, and gov­ern­ment appli­ca­tions. Assess­ment mod­els include the Emo­tional Skills Assess­ment Process® (ESAP®), Skills for Career And LIfe Effec­tive­ness® (SCALE®), The Resiliency Scale®, The Ser­vice Scale®, and Sales Scale®.
Pre­sen­ters: Dar­win Nel­son, Gary Low, Rick Ham­mett, & Margo Murray

9th Annual EI Conference

Feb­ru­ary 23–24, 2012 San Anto­nio, TX
Two-day Con­fer­ence with excel­lent net­work­ing and pro­gram oppor­tu­ni­ties (Thurs­day evening posters/reception)

9th Annual Insti­tute Post-Conference Workshop

Feb­ru­ary 25, 2012 San Anto­nio, TX
One-day work­shop on EI in Rela­tion­ship Skills for men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als Pre­sen­ter: Dar­win Nelson

Col­lege Aca­d­e­mic Sup­port Pro­grams (CASP)

Octo­ber 23–25, 2011 AT&T Exec­u­tive Edu­ca­tion and Con­fer­ence Cen­ter Austin, Texas
Please stop by our ven­dor booth and say hello!
Class­room Teach­ing Prac­tices for Improv­ing Stu­dent Suc­cess
Pre­sen­ters: Terry Miller & Jorge Botello

Emo­tional Intel­li­gence: A Trans­for­ma­tive­Learn­ing Model for Col­lege Success

August 24, 2011, New Mex­ico State University-Carlsbad
Pre­sen­ters: Richard & Karen Hammett

Emo­tional Intel­li­gence: A Trans­for­ma­tive Learn­ing Model for Air­man Lead­er­ship Education

August 23, 2011, Air­man Lead­er­ship School, Hol­lo­man AFB, NM
Pre­sen­ters: Richard & Karen Hammett

Emo­tional Intel­li­gence: A Trans­for­ma­tive Learn­ing Model for Higher Education

August 19, 2011, The Uni­ver­sity of New Mexico-Albuquerque
Pre­sen­ters: Richard & Karen Hammett

2011 ECISD Back-to-School Conference

Ector County Inde­pen­dent School Dis­trict
August 16, 2011 Odessa, TX
Emo­tional Intel­li­gence: A Trans­for­ma­tional Model for K-12 Edu­ca­tion
Pre­sen­ters: Richard & Karen Hammett

EI Work­shop for McLen­nan Com­mu­nity Col­lege Imple­men­ta­tion Fac­ulty & Administrators

July 28, 2011.  Waco, TX
Learn­ing Frame­works: Trans­for­ma­tional Learn­ing With Emo­tional Intel­li­gence
Pre­sen­ters: Gary Low & Richard Hammett

Air Force Sergeant’s Asso­ci­a­tion Pro­fes­sional Airman’s Conference

Jul 23–27, 2011 Grand Hyatt River­walk San Anto­nio, Texas. Please stop by our vender booth (#112) and say hello to Gary Low and Rick Ham­mett
Wel­come to the Air Force Sergeants Asso­ci­a­tion, 2011

National Insti­tute for Staff and Orga­ni­za­tional Devel­op­ment (NISOD)

May 30-June 2, 2011
Austin Con­ven­tion Cen­ter, Austin TX
Improv­ing Stu­dent Access & Suc­cess With Emo­tional Intel­li­gence
May 31, 2 p.m., Room 11B, Level 4
Teach­ing for Stu­dent Learn­ing & Suc­cess: Mod­el­ing Emo­tional Intel­li­gence
June 1, 8:15 a.m., Room 14, Level 4
Pre­sen­ters: Ali Esmaeili, Dar­win Nel­son, & Richard Hammett

8th Annual Insti­tute Post-Conference Work­shop for Rela­tion­ship Skills

Feb­ru­ary 26, 2011, San Anto­nio, TX
One-day work­shop on EI in Rela­tion­ship Skills for Men­tal Health Pro­fes­sion­als
Pre­sen­ter: Dar­win Nelson

8th Annual Insti­tute for Emo­tional Intel­li­gence Conference

Feb­ru­ary 24–25, 2011, San Anto­nio, TX
Two-day EI Con­fer­ence
Keynotes and excel­lent pre­sen­ters from edu­ca­tion, busi­ness, mil­i­tary, gov­ern­ment, and health organizations.

Pre-Conference EI Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Workshop

Feb­ru­ary 22–23, 2011, San Anto­nio, TX
Two-day EI Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion work­shop teach­ing pos­i­tive assess­ment processes and the emo­tional learn­ing sys­tem for edu­ca­tion, busi­ness, and gov­ern­ment appli­ca­tions.  Assess­ment mod­els included the Emo­tional Skills Assess­ment Process® (ESAP®), Per­sonal Excel­lence Map® (PEM®), and Skills for Career And Life Suc­cess® (SCALE®).
Pre­sen­ters: Dar­win Nel­son, Gary Low, Richard Ham­mett, & Margo Murray

Sem­i­nar on EI, Per­son­al­ity, and the Life Style Type Indicator

Feb­ru­ary 21, 2011, San Anto­nio, TX
Sin­gle day sem­i­nar on the influ­ence of EI on per­son­al­ity for well­ness pro­fes­sion­als.
Pre­sen­ters: Dar­win Nel­son & Gary Low

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