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Facilitating the Life Style Type Indicator

Indi­vid­u­als are not a “per­son­al­ity type,” and there are no “pure” types.  The LSTI® pro­vides an oppor­tu­nity for peo­ple to develop an increased aware­ness of cur­rent life-style that has shaped their char­ac­ter­is­tic ways of believ­ing, think­ing, feel­ing, and behav­ing (per­son­al­ity).  The work­shop for Facil­i­tat­ing the Lifestyle Type Indi­ca­tor® pro­vides facil­i­ta­tors and train­ers with first-hand expe­ri­ence  admin­is­ter­ing, inter­pret­ing, and explain­ing per­son­al­ity types, as well as a con­struc­tive way of think­ing about per­son­al­ity using our trans­for­ma­tive approach of emo­tional intel­li­gence (EI).

Bal­ance is the key to healthy per­son­al­ity and a well­ness lifestyle.  All lifestyle Types have their unique strengths when bal­anced.  Like­wise, all Types may become counter-productive when out of bal­ance.  Devel­op­ing EI skills cre­ates bal­ance and har­mony and leads to per­sonal well-being and career excellence.

Each par­tic­i­pant in this one day work­shop will expe­ri­ence the LSTI™, gain a process and model for lifestyle and well­ness sem­i­nars for their own use, and receive a packet of ten LSTI™ assess­ments and learn­ing guides for use with current/future clients.  Par­tic­i­pants will be able to offer their own sem­i­nar on lifestyle and per­sonal well­ness with emo­tional intel­li­gence as the cen­tral emphasis.

Who should attend?

  • Pro­fes­sion­als look­ing for alter­na­tives to tra­di­tional per­son­al­ity and type
  • assess­ment, such as MBTI, DiSC, and Col­ors per­son­al­ity descriptions;
  • Col­leagues cur­rently using EI Learn­ing Sys­tems’ assess­ments, books, programs;
  • Edu­ca­tion and HR pro­fes­sion­als seek­ing inte­grated mod­els for well­ness, per­sonal health, pos­i­tive change model, and high achievement;
  • Oth­ers inter­ested in learn­ing about the edu­ca­tion and trans­for­ma­tive the­ory and mod­els of emo­tional intelligence.

Cost: $500 per per­son (plus expenses when exported to your loca­tion). Con­tact us for more information.