The RelaÂtionÂship Skills Map® (RSM®) has been extenÂsively reviewed and field-tested by expeÂriÂenced menÂtal health proÂfesÂsionÂals since 1991. An in-depth docÂtoral study (Webb, 1991) estabÂlished the useÂfulÂness and disÂcrimÂiÂnate validÂity of the RSM® with disÂtressed and non-distressed couÂples. The iniÂtial verÂsion of the RSM® conÂtained 270 items preÂsented in an indeÂpenÂdent response forÂmat using a modÂiÂfied Likert-type scalÂing techÂnique. In this forÂmat the RSM® was used as an inforÂmal assessÂment of relaÂtionÂship skills. The results were found useÂful in develÂopÂing skill develÂopÂment priÂorÂiÂties in relaÂtionÂship enhanceÂment classes and skill develÂopÂment groups.
ProÂfesÂsional colÂleagues encourÂaged the valÂiÂdaÂtion of the RSM® assessÂment for use in psycho-educational classes teachÂing healthy relaÂtionÂship skills, pre-marital and couÂples counÂselÂing, and as a conÂsultÂing model for develÂopÂing healthy and effecÂtive relaÂtionÂships in work setÂtings. Form A of the RSM® is approÂpriÂate for counÂselÂing and relaÂtionÂship skills develÂopÂment. Form B is a parÂalÂlel instruÂment that is useÂful in outÂcome research. The RSM® CorÂpoÂrate VerÂsion is approÂpriÂate for assessÂing the qualÂity of relaÂtionÂships within a work environment.
The RSM® is a posÂiÂtive self-assessment of emoÂtional intelÂliÂgence skills imporÂtant in estabÂlishÂing and mainÂtainÂing healthy intiÂmate relaÂtionÂships (RSM®-A/B®) and proÂducÂtive and effecÂtive work relaÂtionÂships (RSM®-CV®). The equivÂaÂlent forms of the RSM® counÂselÂing verÂsion (A and B) may be used for outÂcome research and as a model for mutuÂally conÂstructÂing treatÂment plans to clarÂify the goals of relaÂtionÂship counÂselÂing and skill development.
The RSM® counÂselÂing verÂsion (Forms A & B) are useÂful in indiÂvidÂual relaÂtionÂship counÂselÂing, conÂjoint couÂples and marÂriage counÂselÂing, and famÂily counÂselÂing. The RSM® results proÂvide a posÂiÂtive and strength focused beginÂning point for forÂmuÂlatÂing iniÂtial treatÂment plans for indiÂvidÂuÂals and/or couÂples beginÂning psycho-educational classes or skill develÂopÂment groups.
The strucÂture of the RSM® proÂvides a posÂiÂtive and pracÂtiÂcal frameÂwork for conÂcepÂtuÂalÂizÂing healthy relaÂtionÂships. Unlike traÂdiÂtional meaÂsures of relaÂtionÂship satÂisÂfacÂtion and perÂsonÂalÂity, the RSM® results are related to speÂcific behavÂiors that can be learned and develÂoped. The RSM® results help idenÂtify skill strengths and areas for change and develÂopÂment. The RSM® is a reflecÂtive learnÂing tool and a perÂsonal guide to meanÂingÂful emoÂtional learnÂing and perÂsonal skill development.
The RSM® –CV® (CorÂpoÂrate VerÂsion) was develÂoped to assess the qualÂity of work relaÂtionÂships in corÂpoÂrate and orgaÂniÂzaÂtional setÂtings. EmoÂtional IntelÂliÂgence (EI) trainÂing is a major focus in corÂpoÂraÂtions and buildÂing healthy and effecÂtive work relaÂtionÂships is a priÂorÂity. A recent book, FuelÂing SucÂcess: How EmoÂtional IntelÂliÂgence Helped HinÂdusÂtan PetroÂleum CorÂpoÂraÂtion (HPCL) and its EmployÂees Grow (Sen, NelÂson, and Rao, 2009) illusÂtrated the value of relaÂtionÂship focused emoÂtional learnÂing in transÂformÂing the culÂture of a global ForÂtune 500 company.
Within the corÂpoÂrate conÂsultÂing and trainÂing conÂtext the RSM®-CV results are espeÂcially helpÂful in; (a) assessÂing and develÂopÂing healthy relaÂtionÂship skills, (b) idenÂtiÂfyÂing and clarÂiÂfyÂing relaÂtionÂship skill develÂopÂment priÂorÂiÂties for facilÂiÂtated menÂtorÂing, and © proÂvidÂing a research derived basis for execÂuÂtive coachÂing and leadÂerÂship develÂopÂment. Healthy intra and interÂperÂsonal relaÂtionÂships are the founÂdaÂtion of proÂducÂtivÂity and perÂsonal well-being. DevelÂopÂing human potenÂtial and leadÂerÂship excelÂlence are global priÂorÂiÂties in 21st cenÂtury corporations.
The RSM® proÂvides a posÂiÂtive assessÂment and sysÂtemÂatic emoÂtional learnÂing sysÂtem for develÂopÂing emoÂtional intelÂliÂgence skills. EmoÂtional intelÂliÂgence is operÂaÂtionally defined as a learned and develÂoped abilÂity to think conÂstrucÂtively and behave effecÂtively and wisely. The transÂforÂmaÂtive and research derived theÂory of EmoÂtional IntelÂliÂgence (EI) that is founÂdaÂtional to the RSM® assessÂment and emoÂtional learnÂing model has been valÂiÂdated in a variÂety of setÂtings (NelÂson and Low, 1977-present). The RSM® is a valuÂable emoÂtional learnÂing model for indiÂvidÂuÂals who want to explore, idenÂtify, underÂstand, learn, apply, and model emoÂtional intelÂliÂgence skills to learn, strengthen, and enhance priÂmary and/or work relationships.
PricÂing: $20 per assessÂment. AvailÂable in paper and penÂcil only. Please conÂtact us for more information.