BelievÂing in the posÂiÂtive develÂopÂment of self and othÂers is the definÂing qualÂity of emoÂtionÂally intelÂliÂgent leadÂerÂship. Actively and genÂuinely comÂmuÂniÂcatÂing this in your actions comes next. ModÂelÂing emoÂtionÂally intelÂliÂgent behavÂior in your relaÂtionÂships with othÂers (being) is priÂmary when it is conÂgruÂent and authenÂtic. LeadÂing with emoÂtional intelÂliÂgence requires a conÂfluÂence of sysÂtems, prinÂciÂples, emoÂtional intelÂliÂgence skills, core valÂues, and comÂpeÂtenÂcies. The story of HinÂdusÂtan PetroÂleum CorÂpoÂraÂtion, docÂuÂmented and told in this book, is one of the best examÂples of emoÂtionÂally intelÂliÂgent leadÂerÂship we have seen.
Sen, A., Rao, S., NelÂson, D. (2010). Fuelling SucÂcess: How HPCL used emoÂtional intelÂliÂgence to help its employÂees to grow.