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Professional Coaching

Pro­fes­sional Coach­ing: A Trans­for­ma­tive and Research Based Model


Coaching Book Front CoverThis book is writ­ten for peo­ple inter­ested in know­ing and devel­op­ing their best self.  Both begin­ning and expe­ri­enced coaches will find the book use­ful as they develop and renew their pro­fes­sional coach­ing skills.  Man­agers and busi­ness lead­ers may use the book to under­stand and develop the coach­ing skills that they will need to apply in devel­op­ing oth­ers.  Per­son cen­tered teach­ers, men­tors, coun­selors, and ther­a­pists will find value in the self-directed coach­ing process as they work with oth­ers as help­ing pro­fes­sion­als.  Coach­ing is not a par­tic­u­lar set of tech­niques, but rather a healthy way of being and com­mu­ni­cat­ing with others.



Pub­lished and dis­trib­uted by

Emo­tional Intel­li­gence Learn­ing Sys­tems, Inc.
P.O. Box 271877
Cor­pus Christi, TX 271877

Cost: $90.00
Includes ship­ping and han­dling.
Texas res­i­dents add 8.25$ sales tax.

Order online through The Book Patch


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