The InterÂnaÂtional JourÂnal of TransÂforÂmaÂtive EmoÂtional IntelÂliÂgence (TIJTEI) is the offiÂcial jourÂnal of the EmoÂtional IntelÂliÂgence TrainÂing & Research InstiÂtute (EITRI). ArtiÂcles accepted for pubÂliÂcaÂtion in TIJTEI proÂvide exemÂplary research and ‘best pracÂtice’ modÂels of transÂforÂmaÂtive emoÂtional intelÂliÂgence in eduÂcaÂtion, busiÂness, and govÂernÂment setÂtings worldÂwide. As such, a goal of the jourÂnal is to include artiÂcles that meet peer-review criÂteÂria and increase expoÂsure to excelÂlent applied and research proÂgrams preÂsented durÂing our annual conÂferÂence, the Annual InstiÂtute for EmoÂtional IntelÂliÂgence. ArtiÂcles not preÂsented at the annual conÂferÂence may be subÂmitÂted for conÂsidÂerÂaÂtion. Authors should underÂstand that artiÂcles are peer-reviewed with evalÂuÂaÂtions weighted for conÂferÂence related artiÂcles, as well as those artiÂcles that include speÂcific transÂforÂmaÂtive modÂels for teachÂing, learnÂing, and develÂopÂing emoÂtional intelligence.
To review artiÂcle titles and descripÂtions in preÂviÂous pubÂliÂcaÂtions, please select the links below.
Learn about pubÂlishÂing in TIJTEI by visÂitÂing our EITRI AssoÂciÂaÂtion WebÂsite!