All verÂsions of the ESAP® come with the basic proÂfile of scores on 10 skill and three potenÂtial probÂlem areas. They also come with a brief disÂcusÂsion of defÂiÂnÂiÂtions for each of the comÂposÂite skill (dimenÂsion) and indiÂvidÂual skill area.  The ESAP® extended proÂfile report extends the proÂfile and defÂiÂnÂiÂtions with a perÂsonÂalÂized guided learnÂing expeÂriÂence based on the speÂcific scores of the participant.
Price: $15 per assessÂment. AvailÂable for the ESAP®, the ESAP-A®, and
ESAP-B®. The corÂpoÂrate verÂsion of the ESAP® (ESAP-C®) comes with its own extended proÂfile report when purÂchased online.