The U.S. econÂomy today is starkly difÂferÂent from the one that existed when Ken BlanÂchard pubÂlished RavÂing Fans (1993).  Our curÂrent econÂomy, as well as many othÂers worldÂwide, have shifted from priÂmarÂily industrial-based manÂuÂfacÂturÂing conÂcerns to economies driÂven priÂmarÂily by supÂport and serÂvice.  The most sucÂcessÂful busiÂnesses proÂvide excelÂlent serÂvice to disÂcrimÂiÂnatÂing conÂsumers. The prinÂciÂples of serÂvice excelÂlence proÂclaimed by BlanÂchard are timeÂless because they tranÂscend busiÂness talk and speak directly to the human needs of indiÂvidÂuÂals.  So do the prinÂciÂples of transÂforÂmaÂtive emoÂtional intelÂliÂgence (EI).
The SerÂvice ExcelÂlence Skills AssessÂment Process® (SESAP®) conÂnects serÂvice providers more meanÂingÂfully to their clients and cusÂtomers by emphaÂsizÂing the develÂopÂment of EI skills that authenÂtiÂcally care for both self and others.
The serÂvice skills assessed and explored through SESAP® include:
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Control
- GreetÂing Customers
- DevelÂopÂing Rapport
- UnderÂstandÂing Needs
- SolvÂing Problems
- ManÂagÂing Relationships
- AssertÂing Yourself
- ConÂtrolÂling Anger
- HanÂdling Anxiety
- RelaÂtionÂship Satisfaction
The serÂvice skills assessÂment proÂvides a research derived and operÂaÂtional defÂiÂnÂiÂtion of speÂcific, learned abilÂiÂties or skills that indiÂvidÂuÂals learn through direct expeÂriÂence in livÂing and workÂing. Our long term research and expeÂriÂences indiÂcate these serÂvice skills are learned best in menÂtorÂing, coachÂing, and teachÂing relaÂtionÂships charÂacÂterÂized by empaÂthy, respect, trust, honÂesty and genÂuine interÂest in the perÂsonal well being and sucÂcess of the indiÂvidÂual being menÂtored, coached or taught. Think of the serÂvice skills assessÂment as a strucÂtured model for reflecÂtive thinkÂing and emoÂtional skill development.
PricÂing: $20.00 each. CurÂrently availÂable in paper & penÂcil only.   Our cerÂtiÂfied conÂsulÂtants and trainÂers have access to this posÂiÂtive assessÂment instruÂment, and it may be obtained directly through us. ConÂtact us for more information.