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Build­ing Qual­ity From Within

Tran­si­tions in edu­ca­tion, career, and life can be dif­fi­cult … devel­op­ing per­sonal achieve­ment skills to bet­ter nav­i­gate them, shouldn’t be.

We offer a vari­ety of pos­i­tive assess­ment resources, affec­tive learn­ing mate­ri­als, and ser­vices that fit hand-in-glove with your per­sonal, orga­ni­za­tional, or insti­tu­tional goals and needs.

Based on widely accepted views of  what con­sti­tutes healthy and pro­duc­tive peo­ple, our mis­sion is to develop, model, and apply research-derived edu­ca­tion and trans­for­ma­tional mod­els of emo­tional intel­li­gence (EI) to build healthy, effec­tive indi­vid­u­als and organizations.

We believe that pos­i­tive assess­ment is an essen­tial first EXPLORE step for learner-centered edu­ca­tion at all lev­els.  After assess­ment, mean­ing­ful per­sonal learn­ing is eas­ier to achieve through a sys­tem­atic, guided approach that safely empow­ers the indi­vid­ual to IDENTIFY strengths and areas to develop/enhance, UNDERSTAND social-emotional skills from their own frame of ref­er­ence, LEARN skills through var­i­ous resources, and APPLY those skills for wiser, more effec­tive behav­ior in their own expe­ri­ence.  Humans will never be per­fect, and a skills based approach that involves the Emo­tional Learn­ing Sys­tem© pro­vides a way to stay on track while devel­op­ing qual­ity from within and intel­li­gent self-direction.

EILS assess­ments, learn­ing mate­ri­als, and ser­vices enable indi­vid­u­als and teams with an array of com­plete edu­ca­tion courses and train­ing programs.
