Used in many colÂlege courses and now in its secÂond ediÂtion, the definÂiÂtive and comÂpreÂhenÂsive work from NelÂson and Low embeds the EmoÂtional Skills AssessÂment Process® (ESAP®) and inteÂgrates the eduÂcaÂtion model of EI for the classÂroom. ProÂvides an engagÂing and pracÂtiÂcal guide for develÂopÂing EI skills. The EmoÂtional LearnÂing SysÂtem© is pracÂticed in four conÂsecÂuÂtive chapÂters (2–6) for person-centered exploÂration and learnÂing in the EI dimenÂsions of InterÂperÂsonal skills, Self-management skills, LeadÂerÂship skills, and IntrapÂerÂsonal skills.  The book conÂcludes with chapÂter 7 for applyÂing EI and develÂopÂing PerÂsonal ExcelÂlence for life-long growth and self-renewal.
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