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Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Academic and Career Excellence In College And Life

Book coverUsed in many col­lege courses and now in its sec­ond edi­tion, the defin­i­tive and com­pre­hen­sive work from Nel­son and Low embeds the Emo­tional Skills Assess­ment Process® (ESAP®) and inte­grates the edu­ca­tion model of EI for the class­room.  Pro­vides an engag­ing and prac­ti­cal guide for devel­op­ing EI skills.  The Emo­tional Learn­ing Sys­tem© is prac­ticed in four con­sec­u­tive chap­ters (2–6) for person-centered explo­ration and learn­ing in the EI dimen­sions of Inter­per­sonal skills, Self-management skills, Lead­er­ship skills, and Intrap­er­sonal skills.   The book con­cludes with chap­ter 7 for apply­ing EI and devel­op­ing Per­sonal Excel­lence for life-long growth and self-renewal.

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