Home » Resiliency Skills Assessment Process®

Resiliency Skills Assessment Process®

ReSAP® assessment front coverThe Resiliency Skills Assess­ment Process® (ReSAP®) and embed­ded behav­ioral check list were devel­oped from the research-derived think­ing pat­terns and observ­able behav­iors of high achiev­ing pro­fes­sion­als in a vari­ety of work envi­ron­ments.  Intel­li­gent self-direction is the pri­or­ity and pre­req­ui­site skill for career/life suc­cess in the 21st Cen­tury work­place. Resiliency skills are the essen­tial behav­iors for achiev­ing high lev­els of pro­duc­tiv­ity and per­sonal well-being in high stress work environments.

Indi­vid­u­als who set high per­sonal goals and strive for excel­lence expe­ri­ence dis­tress and neg­a­tive emo­tions when achieve­ment is blocked or ren­dered impos­si­ble by exter­nal cir­cum­stances and/or change fac­tors beyond their con­trol. Resiliency skills are essen­tial for main­tain­ing per­sonal well being and serve to pro­tect high achiev­ers from dis­tress, neg­a­tive emo­tions, and phys­i­cal exhaus­tion. The pur­pose of this assess­ment is to help you explore, iden­tify and under­stand spe­cific skills that are sig­nif­i­cantly related to high lev­els of achieve­ment and resiliency.

Your results from the Resiliency Skills Assess­ment are meant as a map or guide for iden­ti­fy­ing your cur­rent strengths and plan­ning learn­ing and train­ing expe­ri­ences to develop, strengthen, and enhance skills that will increase your lev­els of achieve­ment, pro­duc­tiv­ity, and per­sonal well-being.

Your man­ager, peers or sub­or­di­nates may com­plete the Resiliency Skills Check­list to pro­vide an exter­nal source of infor­ma­tion for your use in indi­vid­ual devel­op­ment plan­ning. men­tor­ing and coach­ing. The self-assessment and exter­nal check­list pro­vide a prac­ti­cal and applied def­i­n­i­tion of goal achieve­ment and resiliency skills. The assess­ment results pro­vide a pos­i­tive and spe­cific model for men­tor­ing and coach­ing rela­tion­ships that focus on the devel­op­ment of healthy and pro­duc­tive employees.

Words like Emo­tional Intel­li­gence, Resiliency, Achieve­ment Moti­va­tion, Mind­ful­ness and Opti­mism are attempts to com­mu­ni­cate the mean­ing of actual behav­iors that suc­cess­ful indi­vid­u­als prac­tice daily. The resiliency assess­ment pro­vides a research derived and oper­a­tional def­i­n­i­tion of spe­cific, learned abil­i­ties or skills that indi­vid­u­als learn through direct expe­ri­ence in liv­ing and work­ing.  Our long term research and expe­ri­ences indi­cate these Resiliency skills are learned best in men­tor­ing, coach­ing, and teach­ing rela­tion­ships char­ac­ter­ized by empa­thy, respect, trust, hon­esty and gen­uine inter­est in the per­sonal well being and suc­cess of the indi­vid­ual being men­tored, coached or taught. Think of the Resiliency Skills Assess­ment as a struc­tured model for reflec­tive think­ing and emo­tional skill development.

Our cer­ti­fied con­sul­tants and train­ers have access to this pos­i­tive assess­ment instru­ment, or it may be obtained directly through us.

Pric­ing: $20.00 each.  Cur­rently avail­able in paper and pen­cil only.  Con­tact us for more information.
