Home » Sales Skills Assessment Process®

Sales Skills Assessment Process®

SaSAP® front coverSales is vital career field, and poten­tially, a very lucra­tive one too!  The prob­lem reported by many sales man­agers is that sales per­for­mance often plateaus early in indi­vid­ual careers, even when there is much room for higher lev­els of pro­duc­tion and per­for­mance.   The emo­tional intel­li­gence (EI) skills explored and devel­oped using the Sales Skills Assess­ment Process® (SASAP®) are time tested and proven for help­ing sales peo­ple reach and exceed indi­vid­ual career  potential.

The SASAP® is a pos­i­tive self-report assess­ment designed to help sales peo­ple explore the impor­tant skills of pro­fes­sional sales.  Rather than view­ing sales abil­ity as innate or inborn, the foun­da­tion of the SASAP® is person-centered and approached from an edu­ca­tion or trans­for­ma­tive way of think­ing about and devel­op­ing EI over time and through through spe­cific efforts.  The first step is to explore indi­vid­ual sales skills using the SASAP®.  Once key skills are iden­ti­fied for improve­ment, then the indi­vid­ual can work work with men­tors, coaches, and oth­ers to iden­tify, learn, and apply those skills in per­son­ally mean­ing­ful ways.

The EI skills explored using SASAP® include

  • Achieve­ment Drive
  • Con­tact Initiation
  • Time Man­age­ment
  • Self-Esteem
  • Approach­ing
  • Inter­view­ing
  • Demon­strat­ing
  • Val­i­dat­ing
  • Nego­ti­at­ing
  • Clos­ing
  • Fol­low Up

Words like Emo­tional Intel­li­gence, Achieve­ment Drive, Mind­ful­ness, and Opti­mism are attempts to com­mu­ni­cate the mean­ing of actual behav­iors that suc­cess­ful indi­vid­u­als prac­tice daily. The sales skills assess­ment process pro­vides a research derived and oper­a­tional def­i­n­i­tion of spe­cific, learned abil­i­ties or skills that indi­vid­u­als learn through direct expe­ri­ence in liv­ing and work­ing.  Our long term research and expe­ri­ences indi­cate these sales skills are learned best in men­tor­ing, coach­ing, and teach­ing rela­tion­ships char­ac­ter­ized by empa­thy, respect, trust, hon­esty and gen­uine inter­est in the per­sonal well being and suc­cess of the indi­vid­ual being men­tored, coached or taught. Think of the sales skills assess­ment as a struc­tured model for reflec­tive think­ing and emo­tional skill development.

Cost: $20.00 each.  Cur­rently avail­able in paper & pen­cil only.  Our cer­ti­fied con­sul­tants and train­ers have access to this pos­i­tive assess­ment sales skills instru­ment.  It may also be obtained directly by con­tact­ing us.
