The EI CoachÂing Map was develÂoped as a pracÂtiÂcal tool for poeÂple in leadÂerÂship posiÂtions who want to increase the proÂducÂtivÂity and perÂsonal well-being of those led. The guide is research derived and proÂvides a transÂforÂmaÂtive learnÂing model for develÂopÂing emoÂtional intelÂliÂgence skills that are essenÂtial to high levÂels of proÂducÂtivÂity and achieveÂment.  In this model, the leader is viewed as a coach who leads with emoÂtional intelligence.
The nature and qualÂity of the coachÂing relaÂtionÂship is the essenÂtial eleÂment in creÂatÂing a person-centered learnÂing enviÂronÂment that empowÂers employÂees to develop a perÂsonal vision of excelÂlence that is conÂgruÂent with the organization’s vision, misÂsion, and goals.  In this model, the indiÂvidÂual aspiÂraÂtions of the employÂees are aligned with the orgaÂniÂzaÂtional goals as a shared vision where indiÂvidÂuÂals and orgaÂniÂzaÂtional sucÂcesses are expeÂriÂenced as mutual victories.
LeadÂers and manÂagers using the guid will develop and model EI skills in an empathic relaÂtionÂship with employÂees built on trust, mutual respect, and a genÂuine conÂcern for the sucÂcess and well-being of othÂers.  DiaÂlogue, integrity, transÂparency, and empowÂerÂment with accountÂabilÂity are essenÂtial eleÂments of leadÂing excelÂlence inherÂent and essenÂtial to this model.