The PerÂsonal ExcelÂlence Map® (PEM®) is a non-diagnostic posÂiÂtive assessÂment instruÂment designed to introÂduce a life-long process of develÂopÂing speÂcific emoÂtional skills that lead to intelÂliÂgent self-direction. PerÂsonal excelÂlence is a process of becomÂing the best perÂson one can be and is reflected in how one is, as well as what one does. PerÂsonal excelÂlence is indiÂcated in peoÂple who develop their gifts and talÂents to the fullest, achievÂing a harÂmony in how they think, feel, behave, and believe that leads to proÂducÂtive relaÂtionÂships and outÂcomes. Rather than an arrival state, perÂsonal excelÂlence is a jourÂney of posÂiÂtive develÂopÂment beyond one’s self. It manÂiÂfests in self-defined and self-valued achieveÂments that reflect one’s best efforts. The EI-centric theÂory of perÂsonal excelÂlence conÂnects the process of buildÂing qualÂity from within with the lived expeÂriÂence of each individual.
Includes proÂfile of 15 perÂsonal achieveÂment skills for idenÂtiÂfyÂing skills to develop, strengthen, enhance; PerÂsonal ExcelÂlence Map; ConÂtinÂuum of PerÂsonal ExcelÂlence; dimenÂsion and skill defÂiÂnÂiÂtions; EmoÂtional LearnÂing SysÂtem® diaÂgram, and PerÂsonÂally MeanÂingÂful Growth-Development Model®. Can be comÂbined with other EILS resources (PEM-360® for invesÂtiÂgatÂing blind spots, PEM CoachÂing Map) for extended learning.
The 5 DimenÂsions and 15 Skills MeaÂsured by PEM®
I. Â Â Purpose-Beliefs Dimension
- Self-Esteem (Self Value)
- ConÂgruÂence
- Self-Appreciation
- Self-Confidence
II. Â Relationships-Support Dimension
- AsserÂtion
- Team BuildÂing
- PosÂiÂtive Influence
- EmpaÂthy
III. Vision-Guidance Dimension
- PerÂsonal Orientation
- Self-Control
- Goal SetÂting
IV. Â Commitment-Power Dimension
- Drive Strength
- Self-Management
V. Â Change-Balance Dimension
- DeciÂsion Making
- Stress ManÂageÂment
PsyÂchoÂmeÂtÂric Properties
- Total PerÂsonal ExcelÂlence is posÂiÂtively related to work and life satisfaction.
- Total PerÂsonal ExcelÂlence is not related to level of eduÂcaÂtion or level of income.
- 5-Point LikÂert response format.
- ReadÂing Level: Grade 7.
- Total interÂnal reliÂaÂbilÂity:Â a =Â 0.97.
PEM® ForÂmats
The PEM® is curÂrently availÂable in two forÂmats. While the PEM-III is slightly shorter in length than the origÂiÂnal PEM, both forÂmats proÂvide indiÂvidÂual scores for all 15 scales, a comÂposÂite score for each of the 5 dimenÂsions, and a total or global perÂsonal excelÂlence score.
OrigÂiÂnal 93-item PEM® is curÂrently availÂable in paper and penÂcil only. Takes about 50 minÂutes to comÂplete and score.  A very brief (15-item) PEM-360® forÂmaÂtive assessÂment is availÂable and scaled to work well with the origÂiÂnal PEM®.
Shorter (60-item) PEM-III®. Takes about 35 minÂutes to comÂplete and score.  The PEM-III-360® is a (30-item) forÂmaÂtive assessÂment process designed to work with the PEM-III®. The 360 forÂmaÂtive assessÂments for either the PEM® or PEM-III® can be filled out by subÂorÂdiÂnates, peers, and superÂviÂsors to uncover blind spots in curÂrent perÂsonal skills and areas.
Best PracÂtice AppliÂcaÂtions
Self and leadÂerÂship develÂopÂment; Team BuildÂing, and CoachÂing Map process.  An excelÂlent tool and resource for perÂsonal, proÂfesÂsional, leadÂerÂship growth; team buildÂing proÂgrams and team perÂforÂmance iniÂtiaÂtives; vision planÂning to inteÂgrate perÂsonal and orgaÂniÂzaÂtional excelÂlence. UseÂful for extendÂing learnÂing and exploÂration begun with the the ESAP®. TrainÂing needs assessÂment and execÂuÂtive coachÂing processes.
PEM® and PEM-III®:  $20.00 plus printÂing, shipping/handling, and sales tax (if applicÂaÂble).
PEM-360® and PEM-III-360®:  $2.00 plus shipping/handling, and sales tax (if applicÂaÂble).
PerÂsonal ExcelÂlence Map® (PEM®) InterÂpreÂtaÂtion and InterÂvenÂtion Guide