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Personal Excellence Map®

Front cover of the PEM®The Per­sonal Excel­lence Map® (PEM®) is a non-diagnostic pos­i­tive assess­ment instru­ment designed to intro­duce a life-long process of devel­op­ing spe­cific emo­tional skills that lead to intel­li­gent self-direction.  Per­sonal excel­lence is a process of becom­ing the best per­son one can be and is reflected in how one is, as well as what one does.  Per­sonal excel­lence is indi­cated in peo­ple who develop their gifts and tal­ents to the fullest, achiev­ing a har­mony in how they think, feel, behave, and believe that leads to pro­duc­tive rela­tion­ships and out­comes.  Rather than an arrival state, per­sonal excel­lence is a jour­ney of pos­i­tive devel­op­ment beyond one’s self.  It man­i­fests in self-defined and self-valued achieve­ments that reflect one’s best efforts.  The EI-centric the­ory of per­sonal excel­lence con­nects the process of build­ing qual­ity from within with the lived expe­ri­ence of each individual.

Includes pro­file of 15 per­sonal achieve­ment skills for iden­ti­fy­ing skills to develop, strengthen, enhance; Per­sonal Excel­lence Map; Con­tin­uum of Per­sonal Excel­lence; dimen­sion and skill def­i­n­i­tions; Emo­tional Learn­ing Sys­tem® dia­gram, and Per­son­ally Mean­ing­ful Growth-Development Model®.  Can be com­bined with other EILS resources (PEM-360® for inves­ti­gat­ing blind spots, PEM Coach­ing Map) for extended learning.

The 5 Dimen­sions and 15 Skills Mea­sured by PEM®
I.    Purpose-Beliefs Dimension

  • Self-Esteem (Self Value)
  • Con­gru­ence
  • Self-Appreciation
  • Self-Confidence

II.  Relationships-Support Dimension

  • Asser­tion
  • Team Build­ing
  • Pos­i­tive Influence
  • Empa­thy

III. Vision-Guidance Dimension

  • Per­sonal Orientation
  • Self-Control
  • Goal Set­ting

IV.  Commitment-Power Dimension

  • Drive Strength
  • Self-Management

V.   Change-Balance Dimension

  • Deci­sion Making
  • Stress Man­age­ment

Psy­cho­me­t­ric Properties

  • Total Per­sonal Excel­lence is pos­i­tively related to work and life satisfaction.
  • Total Per­sonal Excel­lence is not related to level of edu­ca­tion or level of income.
  • 5-Point Lik­ert response format.
  • Read­ing Level: Grade 7.
  • Total inter­nal reli­a­bil­ity:  a = 0.97.

PEM®  For­mats

The PEM® is cur­rently avail­able in two for­mats.  While the PEM-III is slightly shorter in length than the orig­i­nal PEM, both for­mats pro­vide indi­vid­ual scores for all 15 scales, a com­pos­ite score for each of the 5 dimen­sions, and a total or global per­sonal excel­lence score.

Orig­i­nal 93-item PEM® is cur­rently avail­able in paper and pen­cil only.  Takes about 50 min­utes to com­plete and score.  A very brief (15-item) PEM-360® for­ma­tive assess­ment is avail­able and scaled to work well with the orig­i­nal PEM®.

Shorter (60-item) PEM-III®.  Takes about 35 min­utes to com­plete and score.  The PEM-III-360® is a (30-item) for­ma­tive assess­ment process designed to work with the PEM-III®.  The 360 for­ma­tive assess­ments for either the PEM® or PEM-III® can be filled out by sub­or­di­nates, peers, and super­vi­sors to uncover blind spots in cur­rent per­sonal skills and areas.

Best Prac­tice Appli­ca­tions
Self and lead­er­ship devel­op­ment; Team Build­ing, and Coach­ing Map process.   An excel­lent tool and resource for per­sonal, pro­fes­sional, lead­er­ship growth; team build­ing pro­grams and team per­for­mance ini­tia­tives; vision plan­ning to inte­grate per­sonal and orga­ni­za­tional excel­lence.  Use­ful for extend­ing learn­ing and explo­ration begun with the the ESAP®.  Train­ing needs assess­ment and exec­u­tive coach­ing processes.

PEM® and PEM-III®:  $20.00 plus print­ing, shipping/handling, and sales tax (if applic­a­ble).
PEM-360® and PEM-III-360®:  $2.00 plus shipping/handling, and sales tax (if applic­a­ble).
Per­sonal Excel­lence Map® (PEM®) Inter­pre­ta­tion and Inter­ven­tion Guide
