Two-day workÂshop is for eduÂcaÂtors, trainÂers, indiÂvidÂuÂals, and orgaÂniÂzaÂtions interÂested in an in-depth learnÂing expeÂriÂence with our educÂtion and transÂforÂmaÂtive modÂels of emoÂtional intelÂliÂgence.  EI CerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion proÂvides the process for using our EILS assessÂment prodÂucts and learnÂing theÂory with clients and stuÂdents.  Research is shared about the strengths and limÂiÂtaÂtions of our assessÂments, as well as methÂods and applied approaches for teachÂing EI.
Learn about and use our online and paper assessÂments for eduÂcaÂtion and busiÂness. TaiÂlor your cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion expeÂriÂence based on your parÂticÂuÂlar interÂests and applications:
- EmoÂtional Skills AssessÂment Process (ESAP®) (EduÂcaÂtion and Business)
- PerÂsonal ExcelÂlence Map (PEM®) and PEM-360® (LeadÂerÂship Development)
- Skills for Career And Life EffecÂtiveÂness (SCALE) (CoachÂing and Mentoring)
- Resiliency Skills AssessÂment Process® (RESAP®) (Mid-Manager Development)
- Sales Skills AssessÂment Process® (SASAP®) (Sales Professionals)
- SerÂvice Skills AssessÂment Process® (SESAP®) (SerÂvice Professionals)
ExpeÂriÂence selected assessÂments and pracÂtice the education-transformative model for teachÂing, trainÂing, and conÂsultÂing. EI cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion includes book (EmoÂtional IntelÂliÂgence: AchievÂing AcaÂdÂeÂmic and Career ExcelÂlence) and resource guide for perÂsonal use and proÂfesÂsional practice.
PricÂing: $750.00 per perÂson, plus expenses if exported.  EITRI affilÂiÂaÂtion disÂcounts apply. Includes EmoÂtional IntelÂliÂgence: AchievÂing AcaÂdÂeÂmic and Career ExcelÂlence in ColÂlege and Life (NelÂson & Low, 2011, PearÂson EduÂcaÂtion), cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion resource guide, and .ppt files. Please conÂtact us for addiÂtional information.